Luca Del Pecchia

Luca Del Pecchia

Program Manager


In the manufacturing industry, the technical and commercial needs to be managed are increasingly complex, whatever the sector in which the end customer operates. Our approach is pragmatic and focused on the client’s needs but things don’t always go as planned.

We talk about it with Eng. Luca Del Pecchia, Program Manager. In MPT Plastica since 2000.

“It may seem banal, but if I want to have continuity in customer relationships, the only way is to maintain the agreements made in the initial phase, respect the delivery times and conditions. And if by chance we don’t succeed once, it is essential to address the situation promptly and transparently, offering alternative solutions to mitigate the effects of the delay.
Critical moments in our sector are commonplace. Nothing to be surprised or worried about, because there is a way to solve unexpected problems or challenges: PREVENT THEM with a conscious and efficient risk management plan.”

At MPT Plastica we are used to comprehensively monitoring the processes of the various departments through advanced ERP corporate resource planning systems, in order to have a real-time picture of possible delays and to be able to intervene quickly and effectively on the planning of activities and on the allocation of resources, always putting the needs of the end customer at the centre.

The combination of technical skills, problem solving skills and quality orientation is what allows MPT Plastica to successfully guide the team towards project success and customer satisfaction by providing significant added value even in potentially critical situations.

“Working in an environment with a vocation for innovation and continuous improvement is very stimulating and creates a relaxed and collaborative climate. This is why I have been working here for over 20 years and I remained even after the generational transition experienced a few years ago.”

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